Meet Hannah Drakeford, a dynamic interior designer and content creator whose vibrant journey through design is as colourful as her creations. In 2020, Hannah embarked on her entrepreneurial voyage after a distinguished 21-year career in visual merchandising and retail design. Previously, designing and crafting small homewares accessories adorned with her signature bright colours and geometric patterns. Now, her focus lies primarily on interior design, where she shares her inspiration and colourful furniture up-cycling tutorials on social media, empowering individuals to break free from trends and craft homes that resonate with their personalities.
Drawing inspiration from her love of 20th-century history, Hannah infuses her designs with the bold colours and shapes reminiscent of iconic Bauhaus exhibition posters. Her admiration for artists like Auguste Herbin, known for his compositions of brightly-coloured geometric shapes, further influences her aesthetic. Additionally, Hannah's passion for post-war architecture informs her keen eye for form and proportion, lending a timeless elegance to her creations.
Dispelling the myth that homes should cater solely to future buyers, Hannah champions the idea of living in the present and creating spaces that bring joy. She believes in the transformative power of colour, advocating for bold choices even in small spaces.
In her own home, Hannah embraces adaptability and multi-functionality, recognising the importance of furniture that serves multiple purposes. While she longs for a dedicated dining table, she ingeniously utilises her coffee table for both dining and entertaining, a testament to her resourcefulness and creativity.
As Hannah continues to inspire with her innovative designs and fearless approach to colour, she encourages others to embrace boldness and experimentation. For her, making mistakes is part of the creative journey, leading to invaluable lessons and personal growth.
Join us in celebrating Hannah Drakeford's vibrant design philosophy, where history, creativity, and functionality converge to create spaces that truly reflect the essence of individuality.