Meet Jo
I’m Jo, I am an artist living and working in London.

What Inspires Jo ?
Colours! Forms and shapes, people, art and music. I love living in London but I am also really lucky to have a garden that my husband happily and enthusiastically tends to, so day to day I can enjoy the fruits of his labour when working from home. Especially in the mornings, I look out over lots of different greens and forever changing light and different colours, depending on the season.

Importance of colour & design and the impact it has on our day to day lives
As a painter it might be obvious to a lot of people that I respond to colour very intensely. It is a powerful tool to use in our favour when it comes to our emotional responses and well-being overall. Light, colours and shapes have a direct impact on us and the way we feel, whether we realise it immediately or not. I use colours to communicate the way I see the world without using words, it is more immediate and direct, it can transcend all sorts of daily restrictions and frustrations and reach a point within us that is universal and at the same time deeply human. Bringing more colour into your life can only have a positive impact I believe!

Relationship between colour and our homes
To me colour is everything when it comes to my living spaces. It boosts my mood every day and brings me joy. It’s usually little details that draw my eyes towards a particular corner in a room through the arrangement of a few colourful items rather than using a big block of colour as a statement. I love rearranging shelves and stacks of books every now and then to shift things around and to keep me inspired. Having paintings and artworks by other artists at home means a lot to me, like the one by Keziah Frank above our dining table or Hanna-Katrina Jedrosz‘s photograph next to it. I sometimes choose and arrange them in a way that either interrupts or complements the colours of the rest of the space.

Tips for elevating intimate social gatherings
Whether hosting brunches, lunches or dinners I love thinking about how the colours of the food I serve interacts with the colours of the crockery I place it in. Other than considering functionality I find it a joy to arrange meals in a way that makes them look their most appetising, it’s like painting with the things in front of me. All food comes in such brilliant shapes and forms and colours, and placing it in beautiful bowls and plates, such as the ones from Curateology, enhances their appearance to me, and my guests I hope. It’s like having a place setting that’s a party in itself!
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